The Lord is my Shepherd
It was almost twenty years ago that we saw the movie Boutique with my friend Milad. At that time, we used to repeat each movie’s dialogues to each other for months. One of the dialogues that remained in our minds from that movie and we kept repeating it was where “Doctor” and “Jehan” are leaning against the wall and the doctor, who is actually a medical student who could not continue his studies due to financial poverty so he has become a peddler on the street, he reads a part of the Psalms of Prophet David, “God is my shepherd, I shall not need anything…”; I took it out from the Bible and memorized it. How attractive it was to me and how many moments in my life I experienced similar to the doctor and in that helplessness these words grabbed my hand… That point of that movie hooked me to Psalm 23 and if it was a salvation for me, why not for others? So I wrote it and made a wall art to remember;
Later, I designed another version of it and silk-printed it on a t-shirt and other goods which I believe has become the best-selling design so far as I write this.