Majid Arvanaghi

Graphic Designer. Research Assistant.


Member of Iranian Graphic Design Society (IGDS)
Member of Association of Free Thinkers and Researchers (EMoMA)


My main profession is graphic design and I have experience in all different fields of graphics and visual design. I would be happy if you follow me on social networks and let me know if you have any comments on my work.

Use whichever method is most convenient for you to contact me:

Text me on phone +905466657348 or write me an Email

I will also respond quickly to your messages on social media: instagram . linkedin


Find out about my typography on tshirt and other goods:

Blue Fish Dream at Etsy (worldwide)

Elvan Design (just for residents of Iran)

You can count on me in these matters

  • Visual Corporate Identity (VCI)
  • Graphic Consultation
  • Brainstorming Sessions and Think Tanks
  • Brand Name, Slogan and Tagline Copywriting
  • User Interface Design (UI)
  • Web Design/Development (WordPress, Wix, etc.)
  • Layout and Publication Design
  • Typography
  • Visual Contents for Social Media and Theme Design
  • Logo, Logotype and Stationery Design
  • Brochure and Catalogue Design
  • Poster, Banner, Billboard
  • Product Package and Lable Design
  • Graphic Standards Manuals
  • Multimedia Presentations Design
  • Signage Design
  • Graphical T-shirt Design
  • Information Design